It is frequently said that approximately half of all marriages in the United States end in divorce. The truth is more complex. Essentially, there is no official consensus on how common divorce is in our country. Different statistical analyses yield different results.
Additionally, although it is commonly believed that divorce has become increasingly common in recent years, according to the United States Census Bureau, divorce rates are actually decreasing. Various factors may have influenced this trend.
Divorce Rates Dropping in the US
U.S. Census Bureau data indicates there were 9.7 new divorces for every 1,000 women over 15 years of age in 2009. In 2019, there were 7.6 new divorces.
(That said, in 2009, there were also 17.9 new marriages for every 1,000 women over the age of 15 in the country and only 16.3 new marriages for every 1,000 women over the age of 15 in 2019. To some extent, it’s possible the decrease in the rate of new divorces is a side effect of the decrease in the rate of new marriages.)
Research also shows that divorce rates will still decline in 2022. Although there was a surge in the rate of divorce during the worst stages of the Covid-19 pandemic, that was an anomaly. The general trend has still been downward.
In fact, some researchers have found that many couples report the pandemic brought them closer together. While spouses whose marriages may have already been strained might have struggled when the pandemic forced them to spend more time with one another, numerous others have reported that spending more time with their spouse during the pandemic rekindled their relationship.
That’s just one potential factor that could account for a decrease in divorce rates throughout the country. Currently, it’s impossible to say with any degree of absolute certainty what other factors may be contributing to this trend. That said, there are several common explanations that many believe are valid.
For example, members of younger generations are getting married later in life than members of previous generations. This has given both spouses in marriage the opportunity to establish their professional lives and find other means of fulfillment outside of marriage before entering into one. By the time a young person does get married, they might already be satisfied with other elements of their life and are therefore less likely to find that marriage has deprived them of career opportunities and other such pursuits.
Additionally, many young people who are getting married later might choose to do so because they feel less pressure to get married right away. Instead of marrying someone because it’s expected of them, a young person might marry a spouse because they genuinely want to.
Regardless, although the divorce rate is on the decline, that doesn’t mean divorces, in general, are a thing of the past. Therefore, someone getting married now should consider entering into a pre-marital agreement. Doing so can help them guard against stress in the future if their marriage does end in divorce.
At Baghdaserians Law Group, Inc, our Pasadena pre-marital agreement attorneys are prepared to help you enter into a marriage with confidence. Learn more about how we can help by contacting us online or calling us at (310) 299-4608.