There is no denying that divorces are difficult and stressful. However, if you and your spouse sign a pre or post-marital agreement, you and your spouse will know what to expect in the future should you part ways. In the long run, this will save you time and money.
If you are considering marriage and want to create a pre-marital (prenup) agreement, Contact the Baghdaserians Law Group, Inc., a leading Los Angeles area family law office. Additionally, if you are already married and want to create a post-nuptial agreement, we can also assist you. One of our experienced Glendale divorce attorneys will gladly assist you in drafting your pre-nuptial and/or post-nuptial agreements.
What is a Pre-Marital Agreement
A pre-marital agreement or prenuptial agreement (sometimes known as a “prenup”) is a written contract between two people before they marry. A prenuptial agreement typically details all of the property (as well as any debts) that each individual has and states what their property rights will be following the conclusion of their marriage.
If you do not have a prenuptial agreement, California rules will govern who owns the property you acquire during your marriage and what happens to it if you divorce or die. In California, property gained during your marriage is referred to as community property. In some cases, California law may have a say in what happens to property you owned before the marriage even began.
What is a Post Marital Agreement
A postnuptial agreement is a contract made by spouses after they marry that defines who owns what financial assets in the event of a divorce. For the course of the marriage, the contract can also include the responsibilities regarding any children or other commitments.
A “post-marital agreement” or “postnup” is another name for a postnuptial agreement. A prenuptial agreement, on the other hand, is one that is signed prior to marriage.
Postnuptial agreements, like prenuptial agreements, allow a couple to relieve tension brought on by financial concerns. If the marriage ends, this type of contract will allow the parties to create an equitable allocation of assets.
How Can a Family Law Attorney Help You in Pre and Post Martial Matters
A prenuptial agreement is different in every case. Some couples prefer to keep all of their assets separate. If one of the future spouses has significant commercial assets, the agreement may only deal with those assets.
Whatever the purpose of a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement, they must satisfy certain legal requirements in order to be regarded as legally binding. We recommend speaking with a qualified family law attorney at least six months before your wedding to ensure that your agreement is valid. If you believe a post-marital agreement is necessary, you should consider doing so before divorce even becomes a question.
Contact Our Pre and Post-Martial Agreement Attorneys Today
If you need a pre-marital or post-marital agreement in the Los Angeles area, contact one of the Baghdaserians Law Group, Inc’s experienced Glendale family law attorneys. Our experienced and dedicated attorneys place our client’s best interests ahead of all other needs.
Baghdaserians Law Group, Inc is available for all your California family and divorce law issues, whether it is writing a postnuptial agreement before divorce papers are signed or drafting a prenuptial agreement shortly after an engagement—we are there for you.
Call us today at 626-460-9525 for our Pasadena office or 310-299-4608 for our Beverly Hills office.