Child support is a hot topic among divorced or separated parents, and with good reason. Raising a child without the financial contributions of both parents makes parenting even more difficult. At Baghdaserians Law Group, Inc, our Glendale child support attorneys are aggressive in their advocacy efforts. Like the state of California, our team frowns on parents who try to evade their child support obligations.
Raising a child is a costly endeavor. The USDA reports that raising a child from birth through adulthood in a middle-income household costs roughly $267,000, and that does not include any college expenses. Therefore, both parents must take their responsibility to support their children seriously. Our Glendale child support attorneys work hard to help clients who are owed child support collect it.
Our primary attorney, Patrick Baghdaserians, is a family law specialist. Our team has over a decade of experience serving clients with family law issues, including difficulty collecting child support. If the other parent in your case fails to meet their financial obligations to your child(ren), click here or call 626-460-9525 to arrange a consultation with our Glendale child support attorney.
Glendale Child Support
As a parent, you should not have to go alone when providing your child with food, shelter, clothing, and other expenses. If you do not yet have a court order to enforce support from the child’s other parent, do not delay. The sooner you file for support, the faster you can start receiving the support your child is entitled to.
If you have an active child support case and the other parent refuses to pay, penalties may be assessed against that parent. This can include fines, loss of driving privileges, and jail time. When an individual’s child support arrearage reaches $10,000 or more, the person can be charged with a felony offense and be sentenced to up to two years in jail. California can also garnish the wages of parents who get behind on their child support obligations and offset the payments to the custodial parent.
Our Glendale child support attorneys also help clients who know (or suspect) that their child’s other parent has started making more money. The attorney can ask the court to modify the order to reflect the other parent’s income better, as much as the law permits.
Let Us Help
Your child’s well-being is your top priority, and it should be the top priority of the other parent in your case. If you have concerns about collecting your child support, the time to get serious with the child’s other parent is now. The Baghdaserians Law Group, Inc and our Glendale child support attorneys can help. Click here or call 626-460-9525 for an evaluation of your child support case.